All Taxi drivers are not TM DONE employees but are 3rd party drivers (Orange Taxis) that have signed up with TM DONE.
There are 2 types of Fares:
Open Fares: This fare consists of a base charge & incremental charges based on the duration & distance of your ride (if the destination is not set prior to booking the fare). For particularly short fares, minimum charges may apply. These charges are based on the GPS data used by the Taxi Drivers during each fare. In the event that the GPS gets disconnected from the GPS, we will use the available data from your ride.
Closed Fares: This fare will give passengers a quote for the trip based on the destination set by the passenger pre-trip. The quote is subject to change until the booking request is confirmed. If during the trip the passenger changes the drop-off location/makes multiple stops/attempts to abuse the trip, TM DONE reserves the right to cancel the original quote & amend it according to the time and distance of the trip.
TM DONE is not responsible for any delays due to wrong locations pinned on the app/road traffic/road closures/customers being late to the vehicle.
If a customer fails to show up within 5 minutes of booking a Taxi multiple times, their account on TM DONE can be suspended.
If a Taxi Driver reports that you have materially damaged the vehicle, you agree to pay a “Damage Fee” depending on the extent of the damage, towards the vehicle repair or cleaning. TM DONE reserves the right (but is not obligated) to verify or otherwise require documentation of damages prior to processing the Damage Fee. Passengers that insult/attack any Taxi Driver (during the time of the trip) can be charged by legal authorities and have their account suspended indefinitely.
As a passenger, you understand that booking a TM DONE Taxi will result in charges to you. There are three payment options available to customers, cash at the end of the trip, online payment, or by using TM DONE Credit through the TM DONE App/Website. All Charges are non-refundable. This no-refund policy shall apply at all times. Charges are as follows:
Types of Fares/Basis |
Pricing Charges |
Basic - Base Fare |
RO 1 |
Economy - Base Fare |
RO 1.5 |
Van - Base Fare |
RO 1.5 |
Base Fare Coverage |
Up to 7 KMs |
Waiting Charges |
0.080Bz/Min |
Waiting Charges Van |
0.100Bz/Min |
Per KMs Fees |
0.190Bz/KM |
Per KMs Fees (Night) |
0.230Bz/KM |
Online Payment |
Yes |
In the event that a customer’s item(s) are forgotten/dropped in the Taxi’s vehicle, TM DONE will not be responsible for those lost/forgotten item(s). Passengers are fully responsible for all their belongings at all times during their trips and are encouraged to check the vehicle prior to leaving.
To ensure the safety of all passengers using TM DONE Taxi, all Taxi Drivers are required to attend a training session at TM DONE. If for any reason a passenger has an unsatisfactory ride due to the Taxi Driver’s attitude/driving/unprofessionalism, we encourage customers to reach out to our Customer Care team and file an official complaint against the Taxi Driver in order for TM DONE to take appropriate action.
By accepting to get into the vehicle of a TM DONE Taxi, the passenger acknowledges the possible risk of getting into an accident during the trip (as they would get into any moving vehicle). In the unfortunate event of an accident occurring TM DONE will not be held liable.
If you are the parent or legal guardian of a minor (ages 16 and younger) you may create a TM DONE account for such minors to use TM DONE Taxi. By creating a TM DONE account for such minors, you hereby give permission and consent to the Agreement on the minor’s behalf, and you shall assume any and all responsibility and liability for the minor's use of TM DONE Taxi as provided by the terms of this Agreement and any applicable Supplemental Agreements. You will be responsible for any breach of the above representations, warranties and/or this Agreement, and/or any attempt of the minor to disaffirm this Agreement. Furthermore, you hereby represent that you are fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of yourself and all other parents or legal guardians of the minor passenger. TM DONE will not be held responsible.
Provided that you use TM DONE Taxi in the case of an emergency to get to a hospital/clinic, you hereby understand and agree that TM DONE Taxi is not an emergency vehicle and will not be held responsible to get you/other passengers in time to the requested destinations.
We collect your device’s precise location when you open and use the TM DONE App/Website, including while the app is running in the background from the time you request a ride until it ends.